Edegar Starke

Edegar Starke is a Brazilian born artist, currently based in Berlin and interested in the research of the body in movement. Graduated actor with a strong physical background, he has developed a series of dance/theatre projects with kids and teens at public schools in Brazil. He kept on with his studies getting in touch with DV8, Les Ballets C de la B, Trisha Brown Dance Company, La Ultima Vez, Russel Maliphant, amongst others and has been training Butoh since 2013 with Masaki Iwana, Yumiko Yoshioka, Ken Mai, Minako Seki and Daisuke Yoshimoto and Ambra Gatto Bergamasco.
Always keen on the social aspect and impact of a dialogue through movement, in 2016 and 2017 he co-curates the Moving Bodies Butoh Festival and premières his first solo work “The childhood I kept to myself” and initiates his research on "Moving Memories". In 2018 he became part of PAUL Collective Berlin, where he works on projects aiming artistic collaboration and the development of an encouraging and fruitful artistic community. Joined Tomer Zirkilevich Company in 2019, as dancer and assistant director.